House Azumino

2020年竣工 /長野県安曇野市/ 業務範囲:構造設計
建築設計:山本基揮建築設計/ 写真:三嶋一路
Nagano, Japan 2020
Scope of work: Structural design
Architect: MoY architects
Photography: Ichiro Mishima

‘House Azumino’ is a wooden one-story house with a gable roof. Inside the building, two L-shaped volumes are placed opposite each other with gaps of 3.64 m. These gaps have important function as an interface between inside and outside the house, but in terms of seismic resistance, it is preferable that the two L-shaped volumes are integrated as one rather than independent. Therefore, we placed horizontal braces between these two volumes to form one closed rectangular tube.

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高津の家/House in Takatsu

2020年竣工 /神奈川県川崎市/ 業務範囲:構造設計・工事監理
Kanagawa, Japan 2020
Scope of work: Structural design and construction supervision
Architect: Tomoki Goto

主な耐震要素(耐力壁・水平構面)のうち水平構面として屋根面は垂木工法、2階の床面は根太工法あらわしとした。日本で一般に使用されている根太は幅45mm~であるが、今回2階の床根太に使用したツーバイ材はそれよりも細い幅38mmの材のためカナダ林産業審議会(COFI)のマニュアルに基づいて水平構面の詳細計算を行い、材せいやピッチ、根太に打ち付ける床合板や釘の仕様などを設計した。 続きを読む/Read More

角筒の家/Concrete Tube House

2019年竣工 / 京都府京都市 / 業務範囲:構造設計・工事監理
建築設計:イースタン建築設計事務所 / 写真:鳥村鋼一
Kyoto, Japan 2019
Scope of work: Structural design and construction supervision
Architect: Eastern Design Office
Photography: Koichi Torimura

③角筒のカドは一点で接する形状にしたい(Fig. 1)。
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水戸の家/House in Mito

2020年竣工 /茨城県水戸市 / 業務範囲:構造設計・工事監理
建築設計:蘆田暢人建築設計事務所 / 写真:繁田諭
Ibaraki, Japan 2020
Scope of work: Structural design and construction supervision
Architect: Ashida Architect & Associates
Photography: Satoshi Shigeta

この住宅は、台形の平面形状にしたがった少し不整形な方形屋根を架け、中央に天窓を設けた。 続きを読む/Read More



熱海の塔状住居/Tower house in Atami

2020年竣工 /静岡県熱海市 / 業務範囲:構造設計・工事監理
建築設計:蘆田暢人建築設計事務所 / 写真:井上玄/プロデュース:アーキビルダーズ
Atami, Japan 2020
Scope of work: Structural design and construction supervision
Architect: Ashida Architect & Associates
Photography: Gen Inoue / Produce: archibuilders

The site is located on a steep slope on a hill overlooking Atami Bay. In order to obtain a good view, the living room had to be located at a height of about 4 stories above the ground, but the entire building does not require a large floor area. As a result, it became a tower house.

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立川の家/House in Tachikawa

2019年竣工 /東京都立川市/ 業務範囲:構造設計・工事監理
Tokyo, Japan 2019
Scope of work: Structural design and construction supervision
Architect: Tomoki Goto

Selection of structural material is one of the design theme of this house. Locally produced and naturally dried Japanese ceders are used for columns and beams. Also, floor and roof consist of vertically laminated panel (30mm thick) of the same material. Most part of these structural members are delicately finished and exposed to the interior.

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松井ヶ丘保育園・第二園舎/Matsuigaoka Nursery Annex

2019年竣工 /京都府京田辺市 / 業務範囲:構造設計・工事監理
建築設計:古関俊輔+高松樹/古関建築設計事務所 / 写真:稲継泰介
Kyoto, Japan 2019
Scope of work: Structural design and construction supervision
Architect: KOSEKI architects office / Photography: Taisuke Inatsugu

In this nursery expansion, the height of the building is kept as low as possible to reduce the pressure to the garden. In order to maximize the height of ceiling and sash within the limited floor height, reinforced concrete wall structure, reversed beam, and void slab are used.
The roof is composed of three void slabs with different slopes, and natural light is introduced into the room by providing high-side lights between adjacent roof slabs. 続きを読む/Read More

阿波の家/House in Awa

建築設計:株式会社 一級建築士事務所 設計組織DNA/ 写真:冨田英次
Tokushima, Japan 2017
Scope of work: Structural design and construction supervision
Architect: DNA / Photography: Eiji Tomita

A characteristic long and narrow gable roof continues in the north-south direction, changing its height and shape little by little. In order to show this roof shape simply to the interior, the rafters were designed to span from one eave to the other eave without ridge beam, by connected rigidly at each top.
Rafters are made of dimension lumber to reduce cost, and the rigid joints at the top that transmit bending stresses were designed in consideration of deformation in the long-time due to creep.
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