高津の家/House in Takatsu

2020年竣工 /神奈川県川崎市/ 業務範囲:構造設計・工事監理
Kanagawa, Japan 2020
Scope of work: Structural design and construction supervision
Architect: Tomoki Goto


  House in Takatsu is a two-story timber construction that serves both for work and residence. Seismic elements are designed to withstand the force of seismic class 3 criteria of the House Quality Assurance Act.
  Because there is no ceiling on the first floor, the joists supporting the second floor can be seen from the first floor. The joists commonly used in Japan have a width of 45 mm or more, but in this case the dimensional lumber (two-bys) which has a width of 38 mm was used. For this reason, the seismic strength of the second floor was calculated basing on the manual issued by BC Council of Forest Industries (COFI).
  Because the joists have slim cross section, they have a light impression although placed at a small pitch (303 mm). Through the design of this house, we realized that only 7 mm difference in width can change an impression of architecture.

構造:木造 在来軸組工法 べた基礎
建築設計:後藤智揮 (後藤組設計室)
構造設計:村田龍馬設計所 (担当:村田龍馬,水島佑香)
写真:後藤智揮 (後藤組設計室)


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