マールブランシュ上桂店/MALEBRANCHE Kamikatsura Store

2024年竣工 / 京都府京都市 / 業務範囲:構造設計・工事監理
建築設計:辻村久信デザイン事務所+ムーンバランス / 構造設計:村田龍馬設計所
写真:wheel 村上登志彦
Kyoto, Japan 2024
Scope of work: Structural design and construction supervision

Structural design: Ryoma Murata Building Studio
Photography: wheel Toshihiko Murakami

The structural design of MALEBRANCHE Kamikatsura Store focused on the following two points. The pillars facing the garden to be designed as thin as possible so as not to interfere with the design concept that aims the integration of garden and building. The roof structure to be lightweight and reasonable, utilizing the space above the ceiling of the large curved roof.

続きを読む マールブランシュ上桂店/MALEBRANCHE Kamikatsura Store

岡崎のオフィス/Office in Okazaki

2024年竣工 / 愛知県岡崎市 / 業務範囲:構造設計・工事監理
建築設計:荻原雅史建築設計事務所 / 構造設計:村田龍馬設計所
Aichi, Japan 2024
Scope of work: Structural design and construction supervision
Architect: Masashi Ogihara Architect & Associates / Structural design: Ryoma Murata Building Studio
Photography: Kai Nakamura

This is a new office in Okazaki for Katagiri Construction, a house builder in the Tokai-Koshinetsu region. The client requested a space with a motif of the corporate sign “△”, and the two buildings (an event space and an office space) with triangular cross sections whose heights change in the depth direction are arranged in point symmetry to create a distinctive exterior.

続きを読む 岡崎のオフィス/Office in Okazaki

国際鯨類施設/International Cetacean Center

2023年竣工 / 和歌山県東牟婁郡太地町 / 業務範囲:構造設計・工事監理
建築設計:阪根宏彦計画設計事務所 / 構造設計:村田龍馬設計所
Wakayama, Japan 2023
Scope of work: Structural design and construction supervision
Architect: Sakane Keikaku Sekkei / Structural design: Ryoma Murata Building Studio
Photography: Hiroyuki Kawano

This facility was built on high ground overlooking the Pacific Ocean in Taiji, Wakayama Prefecture, a town long known for its whaling industry, as a base for research and information dissemination on cetacean. It has a long, gently arc-shaped floor plan stretching east to west measuring 88m x 20.5m, with eaves of maximum 6.8m of horizontal deapth. Earthworks were kept to a minimum by creating a floor step that follows the ground level, with a height difference of about 3m from the west end of the building to the east end.

続きを読む 国際鯨類施設/International Cetacean Center

呉市海事歴史科学館 大型旋盤展示施設/Yamato Museum Annex for Historic Large Lathe

2023年竣工 / 広島県呉市 / 業務範囲:構造設計・工事監理
設計施工:阪根・大和デザインビルド / 構造設計:村田龍馬設計所
Hiroshima, Japan 2023
Scope of work: Structural design and construction supervision
Sakane + Daiwa Design Build / Structural design: Ryoma Murata Building Studio
Photography: Hirohiko Sakane

This is an exhibition facility for the historic large lathe that was used for machining the main guns of the Yamato battleship. To enhance transparency and avoid obstructing the view from all directions from the walkway around the lathe, there are no walls or braces, and only steel columns are used to support the roof.

続きを読む 呉市海事歴史科学館 大型旋盤展示施設/Yamato Museum Annex for Historic Large Lathe

SIMOSE ART GARDEN VILLA・キールステックの家/Kielsteg House

2023年竣工 / 広島県大竹市 / 業務範囲:構造設計・工事監理
建築設計:坂茂建築設計 / 構造設計:KAP・村田龍馬設計所 / 写真:平井広行
Hiroshima, Japan 2023
Scope of work: Structural design and construction supervision
Architect: SHIGERU BAN ARCHITECTS / Structural design: KAP & Ryoma Murata Building Studio
Photography: Hiroyuki Hirai

Across a 4.6ha site of SIMOSE, facing the Seto Inland Sea, scatter the buildings of Simose Art Museum, 10 villas for accommodation, a restaurant, and a reception house. Among the waterfront villas, five Kielsteg Houses share a common structure and exterior, but each has a unique interior design. The architectural feature is a new lightweight timber structural material named Kielsteg, which is both a structural member and finishings of the roof and walls.

続きを読む SIMOSE ART GARDEN VILLA・キールステックの家/Kielsteg House



SOCIE/大同工業本社ビル/DAIDO KOGYO Headquarters

2023年竣工 / 静岡県伊東市 / 業務範囲:構造設計・工事監理
建築設計:蘆田暢人建築設計事務所 / 写真:井上玄
Shizuoka, Japan 2023
Scope of work: Structural design and construction supervision
Architect: Ashida Architect & Associates
Photography: Gen Inoue

A project of the headquarters for a construction company celebrating its 100th anniversary. The basic framework of the building is a six story steel rigid frame with nine columns which has a plan of 15 meters square. The second and third floors have an attached volume, a square pitched roof, and a deck terrace open to the community, with a large spiral staircase connecting the terraces.

続きを読む SOCIE/大同工業本社ビル/DAIDO KOGYO Headquarters

城山小学校北門/North Gate of Joyama Elementary School

Nagano, Japan 2023
Scope of work: Structural design and construction supervision
Architect: Nakayama Architects Office
Photography: HIROKI KAWATA

This is a gate for an elementary school supported by four timber built-up columns with ladder-like moment resisting structure (commonly used in Japanese traditional timber construction). All the structural members are made of Japanese cypress.

続きを読む 城山小学校北門/North Gate of Joyama Elementary School

くぼみアパートメント/KUBOMI Apartment

2023年竣工 / 埼玉県 / 業務範囲:構造設計・工事監理
建築設計:オーガニックデザイン / 写真:岡村享則
Saitama, Japan 2023
Scope of work: Structural design and construction supervision
Architect: Organic Design Inc.
Photography: Yukinori Okamura

KUBOMI Apartment is a two story timber frame construction. Based on the concept of “A pocket in the city”, an external space that continues from the road is created by a curved exterior wall of the buildings. For the construction of the curved wall, designers, constructor, and timber fabricator discussed together for several times and searched for a reasonable method using general timber pre-cutting process.

続きを読む くぼみアパートメント/KUBOMI Apartment


2022年竣工 / 新潟県妙高市 / 業務範囲:構造設計・工事監理
建築設計:荻原雅史建築設計事務所 / 写真:中村絵
Niigata, Japan 2022
Scope of work: Structural design and construction supervision
Architect: Masashi Ogihara Architect & Associates
Photography: Kai Nakamura


MYOKO BASE CAMP, located in the rich natural environment of Myoko-Togakushi Mountains National Park, is a business base that supports various work styles such as telework, workation, workshop and corporate training.
We designed a truss roof that can withstand a large snowcover of 3m, using cedar lumber that is inexpensive and easy to obtain in size (105×105, 105×180, etc).