松井ヶ丘保育園・第二園舎/Matsuigaoka Nursery Annex

2019年竣工 /京都府京田辺市 / 業務範囲:構造設計・工事監理
建築設計:古関俊輔+高松樹/古関建築設計事務所 / 写真:稲継泰介
Kyoto, Japan 2019
Scope of work: Structural design and construction supervision
Architect: KOSEKI architects office / Photography: Taisuke Inatsugu

In this nursery expansion, the height of the building is kept as low as possible to reduce the pressure to the garden. In order to maximize the height of ceiling and sash within the limited floor height, reinforced concrete wall structure, reversed beam, and void slab are used.
The roof is composed of three void slabs with different slopes, and natural light is introduced into the room by providing high-side lights between adjacent roof slabs.

続きを読む 松井ヶ丘保育園・第二園舎/Matsuigaoka Nursery Annex