駒沢の店舗/Shop in Komazawa

2019年竣工 /東京都世田谷区 / 業務範囲:構造設計・工事監理
建築設計:星野千絵/コバルトデザイン,原﨑久人/AXISプランニング / 写真:山内紀人
Tokyo, Japan 2019
Scope of work: Structural design and construction supervision
Architect: Chie Hoshino (cobalt design) / Hisato Harasaki (AXIS Planning)
Photography: Norihito Yamauchi

<Shop in Komazawa> is a three-storey building in a built-up area. A steel rigid frame structure was adopted because the shape of the floor was some different on each floor and a large opening was required on the first floor. By composing the main structure with four columns located on the four corners and supporting each floor with a cantilever in the required direction, flexible  and open space on each floor is realized.

2階・店舗内観 鉄骨梁の下フランジを一部あらわしとした天井仕上げ


3階内観 デッキスラブをあらわした直天井



規模: 3階建て

設計・監理 : 星野千絵/コバルトデザイン,原﨑久人/AXISプランニング
構造設計・監理 : 村田龍馬・岡村麻耶/村田龍馬設計所
施工 : 自営工事

写真 : 山内紀人

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