2023年竣工 / 和歌山県東牟婁郡太地町 / 業務範囲:構造設計・工事監理
建築設計:阪根宏彦計画設計事務所 / 構造設計:村田龍馬設計所
Wakayama, Japan 2023
Scope of work: Structural design and construction supervision
Architect: Sakane Keikaku Sekkei / Structural design: Ryoma Murata Building Studio
Photography: Hiroyuki Kawano
This facility was built on high ground overlooking the Pacific Ocean in Taiji, Wakayama Prefecture, a town long known for its whaling industry, as a base for research and information dissemination on cetacean. It has a long, gently arc-shaped floor plan stretching east to west measuring 88m x 20.5m, with eaves of maximum 6.8m of horizontal deapth. Earthworks were kept to a minimum by creating a floor step that follows the ground level, with a height difference of about 3m from the west end of the building to the east end.